Category: Blog
Hits: 11660 is committed to providing quality services to its clients at affordable rates. We always look for ways to improve the life of our clients and make work easier for each of them. We currently have four new products under our sleeve and we are committed to bringing even more products on board. The following are some of the new products that we currently have:

SME Hosting Package

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SME Hosting Package
Whether you are just starting your business or whether you want to host your website, our SME Hosting Package is the best bet for you. It is economical and has features that ensure your business maintains an online presence. This package is best suited for SME/SOHO business. On renewal, the customer will get an upgrade on the mini website. The package costs Kshs. 4,999 P.A, inclusive of VAT and it contains:

SOHO Package

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SOHO Package

Our SOHO package gives you the business in a box kind of feeling. It is a simple solution that helps bring all your ideas to life. It is basically designed to meet the needs SOHO businesses and provides exceptional value at an affordable rate. Our SOHO package will help you grow your business. This package costs Kshs. 9,999 (Installation costs Kshs. 2000 while WiFi Router costs Kshs. 8000) P.A inclusive of VAT and it contains:

Tech-Shule Package

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Tech-Shule Package
To get an overall view of the all-round performance of your school, a school manager can engage our Tech-shule Package. It is suited for most educational institutions. Tech-Shule Package costs Kshs. 12, 999 P.A inclusive of VAT and it contains:

Tech-Shule Premium

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Tech-Shule Premium
Large education institutions can now take advantage of our Tech Shule Premium Package and make work easier. It caters for the needs of the education institution right from administration, financial and other daily operations. It is designed with the main motive of handling all the operational processes within the institution. Tech Shule Premium Package costs Kshs. 25,999 P.A inclusive of VAT and it contains:

The above are the new products that we have under our sleeve. For more information regarding the new products as well as other products that we offer, visit our website at